15/8 our school merentas desa
this year is special
all the form are joining
there are almost 2600 pupil joining this merentas desa
and our school let us choose to climb up the hill or not
14/22 student of our class attend
6 in the morning
get ready den went down to have my breakfast
6.30 start the car and on our journey to school
all the form are joining
there are almost 2600 pupil joining this merentas desa
and our school let us choose to climb up the hill or not
14/22 student of our class attend
6 in the morning
get ready den went down to have my breakfast
6.30 start the car and on our journey to school
on the way to school
meet up my friends at class
they started to pin the no. tag
i join them
meet up my friends at class
they started to pin the no. tag
i join them
the no. tag
all the pin are sponsor by Livian
hua, kelly and livian
that my *wink*
hua and zhen
after that our headmistress announced
"all student now go down to the field n line up according to the class and no."
then we lock up our classroom went down to the field
after that our headmistress announced
"all student now go down to the field n line up according to the class and no."
then we lock up our classroom went down to the field
all student gather at the field
pin our no. tag to our cloth
the theme for today is pink???
my BI teacher and MM teacher
when 7.45am the lower form (form 1 n 2)
start to run
we will start on 8.15am
when 7.45am the lower form (form 1 n 2)
start to run
we will start on 8.15am
the lower form
when waiting the time over
of course is chit chat, play, joking
and taking picture *lol*
when waiting the time over
of course is chit chat, play, joking
and taking picture *lol*
hua and zhen (cute right)
Board of Prefect
hua, kelly and zhen
all people are so exciting
all people are so exciting
all cant wait to start and run *lmao*
when 8.15am
we heard the announce
then we all run to the start point
when the hons rang
all people started to ran
when 8.15am
we heard the announce
then we all run to the start point
when the hons rang
all people started to ran
beside primary school
the lower form student y so fast? (coz they dint hike)
infront the botanical garden
the tree =.=
bottom of the hill
after a few while
we separate wit kelly, hua n zhen
the hill are ramp
the hill exhausted us
we are so exhausting
rest after every curve
after a few while
we separate wit kelly, hua n zhen
the hill are ramp
the hill exhausted us
we are so exhausting
rest after every curve
tired but still can smile *lol*
after we heard some student said, "still left 4 station to go, good luck."
livian n i were so happy
we climb n climb n climb
heard a teacher (new teacher) shouting,
"who want to put the beg here, put the beg here. later come down only take it"
is funny coz wit his funny sound
the beg keeper
saw many people are cycling
n almost is uncle
their stamina are so geng
the uncle
we finally reach the last station
wow yeah
reach the final station at 9am
so happy
the senior that give me the ribbon
other senior
saw our physic teacher
meet some fren when going down
meet mt sister too
somebody injured
livian n i
not even half n hour
we reach the bottom of the hill
we are so happy
the 1st time i so fast finish it
so happy
the bottom of the hill
we saw many traffic were doing their duty

board of the traffic

the head n former head of the traffic (holiday back to help the school)
livian n i *wink*
school is near
finally we back to school
if livian n i reach the school
den we ran the half of the field
we can get the Sijil Kecermelang
how stupid we are
n the teacher din announced clearly
within 20 second the sijil juz slipt away form our hand
sudden 1 song pop out in my mind
" 他不会是个好男人 >> 请你不要为它难过
也不会是个好情人 >> 也不要再为它心疼
好的男人有那么多>> 好的Sijil有那么多
少了他的日子也能过 >> 少了它的日子也能过 ......"
after taking our sijil n ice-cream
we went to canteen
to get something eat
our sijil, ice-cream n hui lin no. tag
the enviroment of the canteen
the nugget (most of student like it)
5 year in PCGHS
din even try to take our school canteen before
hokkien mee/loh mee stall
economic rice stall
snack stall
bread stall
drink stall
guess wat is this??
livian ice lemon tea n my 100 plus (she treat me *lmao*)
after our food
den we walk to find teacher n chit chat
den back to class
kelly nice pose
zhen cool
hua cute
me n livian (handshake *haiz*)
something we regret
but we do it back today
phaik hua nike
tis are sold in on school today (cheaper but i din bought it)
wan yi nice body shape rite
half an hour so hard to pass
im sleepy
i can go home
home sweet home
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