a big day 4 all Form 5 girl from PCGHS
"we graduate... congrate..." *wink*
a big day 4 all Form 5 girl from PCGHS
"we graduate... congrate..." *wink*
i wake up at 6.55am
"OMG im late..."
rushing all around then reach school at 7.45am
all the student started to take photo with their friends n the teachers
"OMG im late..."
rushing all around then reach school at 7.45am
all the student started to take photo with their friends n the teachers
we pin up our flower
and is photo time
*cheese*and is photo time

wei... wei...wat are u doing!!??
PCGHS principle Ms. Yeoh, Penolong Kanan Ms. Ng
Penolong Kanan Pn. Chan
when 9.45am we are going in to the hall
*i think all ppl is sleepy or chit chat all around*
12.45pm finally
we thought we can go home
but Pn Chan say is not the time to let us go
juz cal the band n the orkestra Cina to play us some song
last 5 minute
we thought we can go home
but Pn Chan say is not the time to let us go
juz cal the band n the orkestra Cina to play us some song
last 5 minute
reach home at 3.00pm
back to school at 4.25pm
for last rehersal
back to school at 4.25pm
for last rehersal
less photo 4 night time
cause after the 1st show
we went up 4 make up
sad cant see the live show
just can wait 4 the CD came out
then watch alone T.T
cause after the 1st show
we went up 4 make up
sad cant see the live show
just can wait 4 the CD came out
then watch alone T.T
the night dinner end at 10.3pm
there are some crying n some are laughing
fnally we finish our high school life
one step into the society